The 7 elements of a good network: Internal communication/use of modern media

Those responsible for many networks think that a monthly newsletter is the crowning glory of modern „membership-relations“ and thus absolutely sufficient for communicating with members. But think about it yourself: How many newsletters do you really read? A July 2010 study by ContactLab’s, a specialist direct marketing provider, shows that the use of newsletters is […]

7 elements of a good network: Communication with the outside world

Kommunikation nach aussen

Almost all networks have problems communicating openly with the outside world. People are afraid of the press, afraid of uninvited guests at events and perhaps simply afraid of too much information leaking out uncontrolled. This paranoia arises in almost all human networks whose intention is to build a strong inner bond. The more one invokes […]

The 7 elements of a good network: The duration of events

Dauer der Veranstaltung

Most clubs and networks invite their members to events that require time to attend. About 80% of all networking events last between two and four hours, with just under 20% lasting longer (mainly sporting events or outings, such as golf tournaments, rallies or hunts). The absolute exception are meetings lasting less than one hour. Very […]

The 7 elements of a good network: The contents of the events

Die 7 Elemente eines guten Netzwerks: Die Inhalte der Veranstaltungen

Very often, events that are meant to cultivate contacts are enriched with other contents: Lectures are given by „keynote speakers“, panel discussions are held, poems are recited, piano is played, dances are performed, singing and all other kinds of human expression are put on display. Unfortunately, none of this contributes in any way to getting […]

The 7 elements of a good network: Dealing with guests

netzwerk gäste

Most networks also allow non-members to participate in their events. However, as a guest you very often feel out of place and excluded. Often this is intentional, because almost every community strives to strengthen its members‘ sense of belonging by setting itself apart from the outside world. The „inventor“ of German sociology, Ferdinand Toennies, first […]

The 7 elements of a good network: The mode of mutual getting to know each other

Getting to know each other

Almost all so-called „networking events“ are based on the principle of independent human interaction. It is assumed that people, as social beings, automatically establish contact with each other when they are in the same room for a longer period of time. There are actually only two formats (with the exception of sport-oriented networks): The 2 […]

What is a good network?

networking academy

„Good“ is of course a very relative term. However, I assume that you are reading this book because you still have something planned in your life and therefore still want to make contacts with others. Therefore, it can be taken as a basis that in the end a goal must always be reached in order […]

Presentation on three levels. Level 3: Wisdom

Setzen Sie auf Weisheiten in Ihrem Netzwerk.

The highest level of professional self-presentation dispenses entirely with presenting oneself. Those who master this level also master the social network. Everyone will fondly remember the above-mentioned PC professional and regularly seek conversation with him when he does not talk about computers at all, but engages us in stimulating conversations about the increasing dependence of […]

Presentation on three levels. Level 2: Job anecdotes


The next higher level of self-presentation is not to talk directly about your own company and job, but rather to tell amusing, interesting experiences from your professional life, which, quasi incidentally, reveal what you are dealing with. So you don’t describe yourself, your company and your job, but tell stories about your profession. People love […]