How important is personal contact?

time effective networking

Here, too, we can learn from several hundred years of diplomacy: the first association that comes to most people’s minds when they hear the word „diplomat“ are the many receptions, concerts, exhibitions and other events. One always imagines the typical diplomat with a glass of champagne in conversation. What at first glance looks like unnecessary […]

How much time does a relationship need?


The good news from this insight: you don’t have to waste hours of your life on boring lectures and hunting for business cards. That doesn’t help anyway. If you want to build a network of resilient relationships, all you have to do is meet the same people regularly in the smallest possible circles in the […]

More focus on the result: Godmother’s Brain

frauen networking

In the end, it’s the result that counts. If women would focus more on what goal they actually want to achieve, they would also achieve it faster and more directly. Less complaining and discussion (What is the goal of the long discussion about the impossible colleague?), more strategy and goal-oriented action (What do I want […]

Awaken the spirit of the child in you again

As a child, you were programmed to be new, uninhibited and free. This is the first ability to successfully build networks: Be the child you once were – reawaken the Pipi Longstocking in you. Because networks are per se open, constantly changing systems that are held together by relationships of trust. If you are open […]

Make your network visible and tangible


You don’t have a good network if you know a lot of people, but if you are at the centre of a group of people who know each other. The better people in a group know and appreciate each other, the more resilient and useful this network is. So it is important for you to […]

Be a good host even if you are a guest

To become a good dictyonomist, you simply have to behave like a host, even if you are not a host. Just feel responsible for the situation around you. Your bar table, chair, corner (or wherever you are) is your party area and this is where you define the atmosphere. Make sure that the same rules […]

Offer your help

In 2012, a team of researchers from the University of Florence led by psychologist Tessa Mari discovered that we have a kind of inner secret service that helps us to assess our counterpart in a split second when we meet other people: Our own secret service analyses what potential danger the other person poses, or […]

Instruction manual for successful networking: Connect others – every day

networking connects people

The simplest basic rule to build a resilient network around yourself is to introduce people around you to each other. The more people you network with, the stronger the network around you. However, this networking is not work at all, it is just continuous attention. Most people have lost or never had this attention. Yet […]

The investment strategy

networking hints

You help someone, arrange a contact for him/her, support career advancement or arrange the great love – But the person soon doesn’t remember, takes your help for granted and doesn’t give anything corresponding back? What to do? Well, you have made a bad investment. Write it off. This person lacks something that you unfortunately will […]

Truly resilient relationships are built on mutual respect.

Beziehungen aufbauen

It is very important that people in your network show you respect. They need to know how valuable your time and attention are and that it is a great gift when you give them both. That’s why you need to make the deal clear from the start. Or, to put it less harshly: You have […]