Team Workshop

Weiterbildung für Ihre Mitarbeiter

Eine starke Mannschaft für Ihr Unternehmen

Im Netzwerk Ihres Unternehmens schlummert viel unentdecktes Potenzial. Ob unter den Mitarbeitern oder in den Netzwerken der Mitarbeiter außerhalb des Unternehmens. Wie Ihre Mitarbeiter diese Netzwerke besser für Ihr Unternehmen und die eigene Karriere nutzen können, das erklärt Alexander Wolf in einem Workshop.

Alexander Wolf bezieht Ihr Team und dessen Networking- Erfahrungen mit ein. Die Inhalte und Schwerpunkte des Seminars werden jeweils individuell nach den unternehmerischen Anforderungen angepasst. Was sind die Ziele Ihres Unternehmens? Die Seminare sind auf 3 Tage, 1 Tag oder als Crash-Kurs auf 2 und 4 Stunden angelegt. Ihr Team ist ein effektives Netzwerk. Sie möchten das Netzwerk Ihres Teams außerhalb oder innerhalb des Unternehmens stärken oder planen eine Umstrukturierung, bei der möglichst alle mit am Strang ziehen sollen? Holen Sie sich gerne unverbindlich ein Seminar- oder Beratungsangebot ein. 

Der Networking Workshop kann inhouse durchgeführt werden oder mit einem Betriebsausflug nach Berlin verbunden werden. Informieren Sie sich auf diesen Seiten über die verschiedenen Pakete von Seminar bis Beratung des Dictyonomie-Instituts oder holen Sie sich ein individuell zugeschnittenes unverbindliches Angebot ein.

Team Workshop

Training for your employees

A strong team for your company

There is a lot of undiscovered potential slumbering in your company’s network. Whether among employees or in the networks of employees outside the company. Alexander Wolf will explain in a workshop how your employees can better use these networks for your company and their own career.

Alexander Wolf includes your team and their networking experience. The contents and focus of the seminar are individually adapted to the business requirements. What are the goals of your company? The seminars are designed for 3 days, 1 day or as a crash course for 2 and 4 hours. Your team is an effective network. Do you want to strengthen the network of your team outside or inside the company or are you planning a restructuring in which everybody should be involved? Please feel free to request a seminar or consulting offer without obligation. 

The Networking Workshop can be held in-house or combined with a company outing to Berlin. Inform yourself on these pages about the different packages from seminar to consulting of the Dictyonomie Institute or get an individually tailored offer without obligation.

Team Workshop

What you can expect

It is about values and about openly communicating them. What at first sounds very profound and almost religious is actually quite simple: common values create a community. In the workshop, we create an awareness of what makes up what is felt to be common ground. How does team spirit develop? In the Networking Seminar, everything is taught in such a way that you can apply it directly to your networking events if you get bored with small talk.

Networking and network marketing means strategic information management. To build a relationship, you should know the values, wishes and fears of the other person. To know if you are going to bring someone into your virtual village, you need to be able to assess them. For this you need information. In the Networking Workshop you will learn which techniques are available to learn everything you need to know about your counterpart. Apply these techniques immediately to your network and notice the difference in your relationships.

Develop diplomatic techniques for researching personal information. Learn compassionate talk instead of small talk. Have lively and stimulating conversations that will help you move forward and add real value, instead of just lamenting the weather with someone. And thus lay the foundation for a resilient (business) relationship. Once you have made the ambassador, you don’t want to go back to the superficial small talk business card exchange level. Learn from diplomats how to quickly build trust with your conversation partner and thus reach a completely different level of relationship.

Interactive learning

Modern networking requires modern methods: a networking workshop under the direction of Alexander Wolf is anything but conventional. Networking is taught and learned in a playful and individual way. The individual topics are deepened through question rounds and exercises. In this way, the rules of networking are learned interactively and playfully instead of being presented dryly. If you prefer to listen to a lecture, the Networking Video might be something for you.

Individueller Workshop

Depending on the requirements and the company, the focus of the team seminar is determined individually. In his networking seminar, Alexander Wolf incorporates the experience of the seminar participants and the requirements of the company and adapts the content accordingly.